DAY FIFTEEN: Trial Against David Castillo

Main Points of the Day

  • Although not mentioned during the trial proceedings, the court rejected the request by Daniel Atala’s attorney and maintained the decision to call him as a witness proposed by the Cáceres family attorneys (see photo below).

  • The trial was only in session for two hours today. Tomorrow at 9 am, the prosecutor’s key expert witness, Brenda Barahona, will begin her analysis. Barahona will analyze the telecommunications found on various cell phones. She is expected to testify for several days.


PHOTO CAPTION: The court maintained it’s position calling Daniel Atala to testify. It seems that Atala’s attorney attempted to argue that Atala should not testify because he is being investigated, a right granted by Honduran law. The court responds: “… this court has no knowledge that Mr. DANIEL ATALA MIDENCE is being investigated, much less accused.”

More Details

During the short trial sessions today, data extraction expert David Amador Alexander finished a cross examination conducted by the defense’s technical consultant and the defense attorneys. Another expert ratified picture extracted from Sergio Rodriguez’s phone previously mentioned in the trial. Tomorrow the trial will be held from 9 am to 11 am and again at 4 pm.